Friday, 30 October 2015

Parrot Uncle Light Give Away


Dear Friends I want to remind you that you still have time to enter my sponsored drawing for lighting from Parrot Uncle.
Parrot Uncle has so many wonderful selections to choose from. Do you like modern? They have it. Do you like industrial lighting? Parrot Uncle has that too. Traditional lighting, children's lighting, vintage lighting, Tiffany style-they have it all and more. Parrot Uncle has lighting for every room, whether it is a hanging light, a wall light, or a table lamp that you are looking for, there are so many lights  for you to chose from.
Please drop by my other blog here for the details and to enter the drawing. Three days are left, the clock is ticking! Hurry! Do it today! Do it now!
Best of luck to all who enter-Kimberly

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Hexy Mug Rug

I don't know if you're like me but wherever I go, my tea mug goes with me! Lately I have been spending a lot of time in the sewing room with nothing to set my mug on. Yes, I could use some of the fabric lying around there, but I don't think that's such a smart idea. 
 I've seen many cute patterns for mug rugs. At last I decided I wanted to try my hand with one. I've  been wanting to  make one using hexies.
 Let me just say that I am rusty on hexy making, because this time around the hexies did not turn out so well! I've made pieces for a quilt using hexies in the past, but that was eons ago. I have faith that with a little more practise I can perfect the art again. I sure hope so any way....

 This whole process got me to thinking that we should have a Christmas mug rug exchange. What do you think? Wouldn't that be fun? Would you consider participating? The mug rug doesn't need to be fancy. To me it is really all about the fun. I took part in a Christmas apron exchange a couple of years ago and I was able to get to know other bloggers through it. Many who are still blogging friends today.
Let me know what you think...

Parrot Uncle

If you are following me on my other blog site you know that I am having a $50.00 drawing for any light of your choice from Parrot Uncle. Please click over here to get all of the details!
Blessing to all-Kimberly
I am partying here:
share Your Cup

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Crazy Weather

We've had such crazy weather variances here lately.
After hours of pouring rain the middle of last week we were gifted with beautiful double rainbows.

Can you believe how brilliant the colours were?
I hadn't seen such a bright rainbow in years.
Thursday, Oct. 15th brought our first snow. As you can see it was only a skiff. And then on Friday we had another skiff.
Today we had a warm sunny day with temperatures in 12C (54F).
Last week was a busy one.
I did manage to get my mitten order finished and shipped to the Yukon. Here is a sample of four of the ten mitts that were mailed.

I also had an order for a pair of mitts from my special friend, Cecile, who also lives in the Yukon.
You might remember that it was Cecile and her husband that invited us to their Christmas eve service last year while Tim and I were working out west.

I love snow owls and I wanted Cecile's mitts to be special.
 So I found a machine embroidery snow owl pattern with pine trees which I thought was perfect for Cecile. This is the backside of one of the mitts.

                   And this is the opposite mitts backside.
I hope she likes them....

Our daughter and her children are coming to visit this weekend. We will celebrate our belated Thanksgiving together! Please pray for their safe travels.
Got to go!



Sunday, 18 October 2015

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Friday, 9 October 2015

Post Left On The Cutting Floor

Me in 2013 when I first moved into my little home, before redecorating. Yes, I do really have eyes hiding behind those glasses!
I don't know if you've noticed but I've been suffering from bloggers block. Okay don't pretend that you've never been there before!
So today I'm not going to talk (write) much, I'm just going to show you pictures that represent those post that got let on the cutting floor.
I'm sure when you see many of them you'll understand why and probably wish that I had let them remain on the cutting floor!!

This was to be the post where I was to explain to you how the new Fat Free Oreo cookies are not made for dipping-they do not soften!
After dropping it and leaving it in a glass with milk for 15 minutes the edges softened, but alas the rest was still hard. This was very important knowledge I thought all of you should know...which is why I'm telling you all about it now. Ha.

Ever outgrow a favourite blouse? This was going to be a tutorial on how to add a side extension to a top.It never happened!
I did enjoy wearing my blouse all summer though.

I bet you didn't know that I have three kitchens in my home, did you? That is because I've been hiding it from you. Do you wonder why? Eek!! It's become a dumping station, as you can see.
This is the latest project on the table now. Don't expect me to come back in a couple of weeks with a beautifully converted kitchen. All I want to do is to get rid of the clutter and paint it all out nice and clean in white! Then I'll decide if I want to convert it into my sewing/craft room.
I'm sure my husband hopes I do!
Sadly ladies, this is the sort of post you get from a woman who is suffering from bloggers block.
  I think it may be time to consider taking a vacation!!
Take care-Kimberly

Saturday, 3 October 2015

A Test of Endurance


A few weeks ago one of our sons (we have three sons and a daughter) and his FIL participated in an physical endurance test.
It appears more like boot camp training to me!

See what I mean?
This looks a little slippery to be running down.

Now into the tube...

Mud baths are good for you, right?

Lastly, mission accomplished!
I'd say they look pretty good for all they've been through. I know they had fun and Clayton is ready to do it all again next year.