Monday 16 January 2012

A Hodgepodge of Thoughts

      Evidence that winter has arrived-finally!   
Evidence of the cold-smoke flowing out of the flue.

This is me, sad, because Google is messed up and I can't leave comments on many of my favorite
blogger friends post anymore! So, if you've noticed you haven't heard from me-that is why!
But who can stay sad long when the Lord throws a 'snow-bow'
in your path? It can't be a rainbow, since it hasn't rained after
all. So I have coined it a snowbow!
I hope you all have a lovely and blessed  Monday.


  1. I love it! A snowbow. How beautiful. It's winter here too with temps in the single digits...brrr.

  2. It is so cold here and about 4 inches of snow on the ground. winter is here but looking forward to spring.

  3. Switch browsers! I can't leave comments anymore through Internet Explorer, but switched to Firefox and I can! Oddly, I can't follow through GFC through Firefox, so I switch back to Internet Explorer for that.


  4. Someone said they were updating blogger this weekend, beginning Friday. Hopefully, this will be back to normal.

    I prefer blogger to the other service, but to each his own.

  5. Me neither! I don't know what's going on though I do hope that it gets righted around quickly.

    Pretty sights in your cold sky. Isn't the look of smoke rising from the chimney a warm and cozy thought? John says it's definitely warm. I wish we could recycle all that lost heat.

  6. Others have said they can't leave comments. I find that the comments are now coming up in really tiny print so I changed the way to view them, thought that might be the problem, but guess it is just Google/Blogger.

    Yes winter finally arrived, yet today the temperature is going above zero and rain is in the forecast. As long as it isn't ice rain I can deal with it.

  7. What gorgeous pictures....Google blogger can be soo frustrating sometimes...Never heard of a snow-bow, but I LOVE it. Have a wonderful day! HUGS

  8. In the past many were having problems with comments and other things..Some found that if you sign out of your blog and then "uncheck" the box that keeps you signed in, it will fix that problem, it fixed it for me. - You will need to sign in every time you turn your computer on but, for me, it is worth it. - You might give it a try and see if it corrects the comment problem. - Love your snow, we have some too...and more to come, with wind also later in the week...sounds very interesting! Have a good week friend! xo

  9. Wow, I have never seen anything like yo8ur 'snow-bow' but it is gorgeous!

  10. Awesome shot. Snow-bow...never seen anything like it. Good enough name for me.

  11. I have never heard of a snow-bow! How gorgeous! Isn't God awesome? Beautiful pictures...Have a good day..

  12. Kimberly, I'm having problems leaving comments too and I'm pretty sure my blogger box is not checked 'on'. It's been an issue for a few days now. Beautiful 'cold' photos. The sun rainbow usually means a storm is approaching. Maybe you'll get more snow!! Have a great week.
    Blessings, Pamela

  13. Get Firefox...I switched a few months ago and use it all the time and never have any problems! It will fix your problem...IE is terrible.

  14. Momma I have 25 below this morning.......cold!

  15. Did you ever find out what the paw prints were?
    We keep looking for Sasquatch in out area.

    Blogger has me pulling my hair!
    Just now got logged onto your blog, others not happening.

  16. Your snow and snowbow are beautiful! Sorry you are having problems with comments... It seems there are hiccups from time to time with the blogs, but they usually do work themselves out.

  17. A lot of bloggers are having problems right now. Just wait and hopefully it will clear itself up. Your snow is so pretty. Stay warm.

  18. First, let me say that I've had some mis-adventures with the computer lately and haven't been 'visiting'. I just caught up on your blog and I'm adding my heart-felt love and prayers for Elijah and all around him. I want to just climb into your photographs--so clear and crisp with the snow and blue skies and laden evergreen branches...oh how I long to be there with you. :) And what an experience---EITHER cougar or lynx would excite me beyond belief---and those books that you found, well, I have to admit I'm green with envy. Your finds are such treasures!! :)

  19. Love the snow pictures. And the snow-bow is so pretty. Assurance that God is so good. I have been having trouble with some blogs as well. Hope it is fixed soon. Have a wonderful week and stay warm.

  20. Beautiful photos Kimberly..

    That Google issue is a bummer...however I love that you found your rainbow (snow bow) in it! The little things really are the big things :-)

    Have a blessed day !


  21. Blogger has been a little messed up for a while now. Some places I can comment and others not. The snowbow is very pretty! :)

  22. Beautiful snowbow! Love your pictures. I have no solutions to commenting. Weird!

  23. Try switching to Google Chrome since Blogger is owned by Google!I was having all those issues until I switched!
    Hope this helps :)
    xo, misha

  24. Have you tried switching browsers? I highly recommend using Google Chrome. Blogger behaves so much better there. We had a tiny bit of snow that melted today. Hope you have a great week!

  25. LOVE the snowbow!

    When I was using IE I had to log on to Google and make sure that the "Keep me signed in" button was NOT clicked in order to leave comments.

    I haven't had that problem since switching to Google Chrome.

  26. Your snow-bow is beautiful! I don't think I have ever seen that before and how marvelous that you got a photo of it!
    I'm so sorry that this has happened to you, it's happening all over blog land, so at least you're not alone in your sad state of affairs.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  27. I'm joining everyone with loving the snowbow! I was so hoping I would get a little snow over the weekend but only a light dusting. I have my figures crossed for some tomorrow. Please let the weatherman be right just once. I haven't had any problems with blogger or comments but I use Firefox for my browser. Warm hugs!

  28. I haven't been having problems with Google, although I have heard a lot of bloggers say they have! Lovely pictures, Kimberly!

  29. I'm having troubles as well, I hope it fixes soon, such beautiful photos, thankyou for sharing

  30. Hi Kimberly,
    Beautiful winter pictures!!
    Winter has finally arrived?
    Another very cold day...Snow is coming our way today!!
    Stay warm!
    All the Best,


All of your comments are read and much appreciated.
You are dear and lovely friends!