Sunday, 23 November 2014
Friday, 14 November 2014
Just Droppin By....
Hi Friends, I know I said I would be more regular in my posting and I'm trying-I really am!!
As you can see we have gotten a little bit of snow here and the lake hasn't frozen over yet, so I wanted to get some shots of the beautiful blue waters to share with you before it turned to ice.
Now this photo is for my MIL.
I'm sure she loves to see a photo now and then of her sonny boy-Ha!
He seems to look very deep in thought, doesn't he?
I hope he's not thinking about how he can throw me in that lake!!!
No, just kidding.
I'm sure that thought would never cross his mind.
I did get a couple more mittens done this last week, as I have sold two in the gift shop now.
I am waiting now for an Amazon order to arrive with some Aida cloth to start a cross stitching project I want to do . I can't show it to you because it is going to be a gift for someone who might happen to read this blog post!
It has been many years since I've been interested in doing any cross stitching, but I have found so many beautiful patterns on Pinterest now that I can't resist putting my hand to it again.
If you haven't looked at my Pinterest boards lately you might want to check my new Cross Stitch board out.
Here is an example of a very cute sewing cross stitch pattern that I've pinned...
And how about this beautiful deer pattern?
Now I know you're going to fly over to my board right now because you can't resist it....
The real problem for me is choosing just one, there are so many lovely choices these days.
Well, I'm all talked out for now.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Repurposed Wool Mittens
Repurposed Wool Mittens
I promised I would show you the Repurposed Wool Mittens that I have finally completed, so here they are.....
(Oh my, I just realised my Deer are upside down)
Oh well, a little like me right now!
I think I like the underside of my mittens even better than the fronts!
Probably because of the patchwork of fabrics, versus the solid fronts.
Also, as you can see I did a little handiwork on them just to make them a bit unique.
The fourth pair of my repurposed wool mittens sold.
I do have another duplicate pair that I will show you when I finish the lining and cuffs.
They were my favourite pair!
What projects have you been working on?
Anything special for Christmas gifts?
I can't tell because someone I'm making a gift for may be reading my blog.
You never know.....
Blessing to you all-Kimberly
Monday, 3 November 2014
Hello Friends
Hello again from the Yukon!
A few days ago we had a beautiful sunny day here so I took the opportunity to get some shots of Kluane Lake where we are presently living and working.
This is the lake that I gaze upon each day from the picture windows where I work.
We are located right on the Alaskan Highway, sandwiched between a mountain range behind us and the one that you see across the lake in front of us.
It is so beautiful....
We have recently been informed that buffalo herds have migrated to live across on that side of Kluane Lake now.
They were not there two years ago when we were here.
This is a photo of the mountain behind us.
The bird you see hiding here is a Magpie or camp robber as they are known here.
They appear to me to be even more plentiful than the Ravens are here on the lake.
In other words, they are everywhere!
This is a photo of a Golden Eagle that I was able to get a shot of a couple of weeks ago while we drove a short patch along the Old Alaskan Hwy.
There were also Bald Eagles, I often see them around.
Unfortunately they were not willing to land so I could get their pictures.
Although I have been busy working full-time again I have managed to finish the lining for those wool mittens that I made so many years ago.
They are for sale in the gift shop here now.
When I remember to take my camera over I will get photos of them for you.
I do have a dozen more to make liners for, then I will sell them in the shops in Whitehorse.
Of course I have a million projects floating around in my mind that I'd like to work on......
Now that I feel that I am accustomed to working again (not dead on my feet!), I plan to get back into a more regular blogging routine again.
I have sure missed visiting all of you, so it will be nice to be able to drop by again and see what everyone has been up to.
Until next time-Kim