Do you remember reading about the Yukon Gold Rush in school?
I do.
What always struck me was how many of these men had actually left comfortable homes and lifestyles to come out to the wilds of the Yukon to seek their fortunes in gold.
Wal-Mart lot in Whitehorse Yukon Oct-2014
Now having lived in the Yukon on and off for several years, I can tell you that men seeking their fortunes in gold here has never really ended at all.
Wal-Mart lot in Whitehorse Oct-2014
Before travelling further east we stopped in Whitehorse's Wal-Mart Store and I snapped these three photos of what are probably someones summer residences while in the Yukon or possibly Alaska.
Wal-Mart lot Whitehorse-October 2014
I would guess all are on stopped over here before heading on their ways home.
In the Eastern Yukon, where I have spent a couple of my summers, there are still many gold claims and many people who come back every summer to work them.
Although it's not unusual for the locals or summer visitors to pan for gold, the serious miners now use the heavy and expensive equipment that one sees on the ever so popular TV programs.
One miner told me that it cost him fifty thousand dollars just to start up his mining operation every year. This wasn't for the cost of any equipment either!
Many times the workers wages are a cut of whatever gold is found.
So imagine the risk that you may be working all summer for little or nothing....
I don't pretend to be an expert on this topic, but I thought I would share what I have learnt first hand with you, just to give you a wee glimpse of
this aspect of the Yukon.
On a personal note, I have been busy working full time again so my blogging will be sporadic.
Although I haven't had time to leave comments I still have been following your blogs when possible.
It's good to see all are well and enjoying Fall!
Until next time-Kimberly