Tuesday 31 December 2013

Camp and Cottage Decor

I've found myself collecting images of my favourite Camp and Cottage Decor.
I think I must be missing our home on the lake!
I happen to think this entry way would work  for a Camp or Cottage Décor, don't you?
I love the bright, white board and batten walls along with the red in the rug and the accessories.
I also noticed it has a red door much like the one in our cabin.
And I bet we all can remember these old fashioned refrigerators...
I think it screams Camp and Cottage!
My sister had a similar pink one in an apartment she rented over forty years ago. It had a cute matching pink stove too.
In my cabin this would be my reading corner...
Here, you see, is my library table were I gather the books to read in the above corner.
When I tire of reading I would head out to my screened in porch to enjoy a little cat nap.
Because we all know that is what Camp Living is all about-rest and relaxation!
If you have any trouble finding my cabin, look for the porch with the natural branch features and the beautiful stone facing..

and the windows with the unique framing design.
Now tell me, when you collect photos of your dream place, is it a cabin?
Or a farmhouse?
Maybe a cottage?
I honestly like all sorts of houses and I am usually content in whatever home I find myself in, but I must admit that I've always been drawn to rustic or log homes.
Maybe I've just read the 'Little House on the Prairie' series too many times!
Now friends, may you all have a New Year blessed with good health, peace and joy!
 Partying at:

Saturday 28 December 2013

Celebrating Forty Years Together!

My goodness how we have changed!
I can hardly believe that we've been together for forty years.
We were married in the United Methodist Church and the Pastor was my FIL.
I weighed 120lbs and Tim probably 130lbs.
Yes, we have changed!
We have been blessed with four healthy children and nine grandchildren, and for this I am so grateful to the Lord.
Happy Anniversary Tim!

Friday 27 December 2013

Most Popular Post

I've noticed that many blogs are doing a review of their most popular post today.
When I looked back to review my previous post I was really quite surprised to find that the ones with the most page views were not at all the ones I would have expected.
I had thought my kitchen reveal would have come in first, but it didn't.
It placed fourth in receiving the most page views.
Not bad.
 If you'd like to see my most popular  post for 2013, here it is.
Are you surprised?
I was..
Who would have thought that 1080 people would bother to read my queries about blogging?
It really goes to show that you never know what is going to hit home with our fellow bloggers.
 Today is a very important day at my house.
It is my husbands birthday.
Isn't this an adorable photo of him with his three younger sisters?
I see a mischievous twinkle in his eye even back then..
Happy Birthday Tim!


Tuesday 24 December 2013

Saturday 21 December 2013

Photos of Christmas Past

I'm not sure if any of you will remember but this is my first Christmas without my Mom and Dad. To be accurate, Dad passed away two weeks before Christmas last year and then Mom in February.
Because we had lived away for over twenty-seven years, I didn't get to spend many Christmas's with my parents after we had moved.  But there were the weekly phone calls and my yearly Spring and Fall trips back. And until they were too old to travel they would visit us every summer too.
Anyway, I am really missing them... 
 The above photos are blurred as my husbands old computer uses bitmap, which doesn't improve on an already old photo.
But in looking back over the photo it is sad to see how many of our family has already passed on.
My Mom & Dad I already mentioned. My Aunt Vi is gone. My sister and brother in-law have both passed. And my sisters son, Lee, died in a car accident many years ago.
This makes me realise how fragile our life really is and how quickly our lives can take a turn. And also how our life is always changing.
I am  thankful that although the loved ones who were a huge part of my life are gone, I still have and will always have the Lord with me.
He will never leave me, nor forsake me-Hebrews 13:5
 And he has sent a Comforter to help me through those rough times-John 14:16
What has really helped me with the sadness I have been feeling this holiday is to dwell on the memories of all the good times that we had shared together.
It has made me realise even more what a gift they were in my life!
I've  been able to find joy in recalling all of the fun times we shared together over all of the years, and especially those at Christmas time.
May your Christmas also be filled with joy, my friends.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Re-Purposing Wool Scarves

A few years back I started collecting wool plaid Winter scarves.
I didn't really have any use for them then, but I liked them and knew something would come to me.
And it did!
Have you ever heard of wrapping a kitchen chair with a Winter wool scarf before?
Well I hadn't either, but there was that little white chair all cold and frosty looking, so I just couldn't help myself!

Here's how I did it...
I tied the scarf in a knot in the back of the chair.
Next I added a little greenery, a crocheted star my SIL made for me, and a glittery 'K' for Kim.

You can see in the first photo that I tied a red silk ribbon to the front of the chair, just for a little added charm.

This scarf was for Tim's chair.
I bet you wouldn't have guessed that on your own!
Today is a special day for us.
Thirty three years ago our only daughter was born.
She has been a wonderful gift from God.
Happy Birthday, Emily!
Now, December is a busy month for us.
We have Emily's birthday,
my birthday and my husbands,
and then our wedding anniversary.
Yes, a lot to be thankful for....
And on that note, I would also like to say how thankful I am for all of you!
I'm thankful that even though my life is pretty mundane and uneventful you are kind enough to drop by my little blog and listen to my weekly blathering and say nice things about my simple projects.
You bless my days with your comments.
I most sincerely pray that Gods blessings will be upon each and every one of you!
Merry Christmas

Monday 16 December 2013

Polar Bear Christmas Decor


My Polar Bear Christmas Decor display came about when I decided to use the old fishing bait bucket, a rusted red lantern, and these sweet Polar Bears I bought years ago.


I bought the Mama Polar Bear and her cub several years ago at gift shop at Texas Corners outside of Kalamazoo Michigan for any of you who are familiar with that area.
Having lived in the Sub-Arctic, it has always been a dream of mine to just travel a little further north and have the thrill of seeing a Polar Bear in person!
What about you, would you like to meet a real live Polar Bear?
While I was working as Manager at the Northern Images Gallery in Yellowknife, NWT gifts pertaining to the Polar Bear were one of our more popular sales items.
Customers especially liked the whimsical sculptures of a Dancing Polar Bear . I sold many of those.
Another favourite was Walrus tusk earrings shaped as Polar Bears for women.
The Inuit name for the Polar Bear is Nanuk (Master of Bears.)
And in poetry one is called Pihoqahiak-the ever wandering one.
I have to admit I watch as many documentaries as  I can to learn more about these beautiful creatures.
Here are a few facts I've gathered about Nanuk:
1) 60 percent live in Canada
2) A Polar Bear paw can be up to a 12 inch span
3) The largest recorded PB weighed 2,209 lbs and measured 12 foot long
4)Males are 2-3 times larger than females
5) PB can swim up to 100km or 60 miles
6) PB spend so much time in the water and on ice that  scientist consider them marine animals,
Polar Bears scientific name is Ursus Maritimus
7) Our Canadian Toonie (two dollar coin) has the beautiful Polar Bear depicted on it!
Now if anyone starts a conversation with you about Polar Bears you have no excuse for not sounding like an expert in that area, my friends.
I hope you don't mind me blathering on about them.
I am, admittedly, in awe at the imagination of our Lord in creating such an wonderful and amazing animal.
Kuvianak Inovia
Merry Christmas


Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Christmas Window

I wanted to share my kitchen window with you today,  since it is where I've started my Christmas decorating this season.
I wasn't going to purchase any decorations this year since I have way more than I need or want already,
but I couldn't resist the white reindeer when I saw them at Canadian Tire.
And I knew just where I wanted to place them-on this little shelf in our kitchen window.

Can you see the snow outside our window?
It is definitely a Winter Wonderland here in Northern Ontario!
I went outside today long enough to collect a few greens Tim had gotten for me.
At 2F it didn't take long for my face to feel the chill..
But it was also so refreshing.
It was so calm, clean and bright out there!
It is days like today that make me realize why I love living in the North so much...
But that, my friends, could fill a whole book.
So I'll save it for another time...
I am making the five hour trip south Friday to the Soo(Sault Ste. Marie).
I am praying that STAPLES will do right by me and restore to my laptop the programs that were lost while they had it in their possession.
Until this happens I will just have to be happy with two picture post I guess!
What is it they say-that less is more?
I hope so.

Partying at:

Saturday 7 December 2013

All Things Dollar Tree Christmas Party

Today I am participating in

When Debbie posted she was going to have a 
Dollar Store party I knew exactly what I would use.

I had bought a package of  Deer head votive at our local Bargain Store for only $1.25.
I am five hours North of any real dollar store, but
I think this qualifies as a dollar store purchase don't you?

To make my centrepiece I filled three tart tins I had with Epsom salt and then added my deer head votive.
I covered three small canning jars with Birch bark I had gathered from the woods.
The Pine cones that I've had for many years were then added, along with fresh greens my husband had just gathered.
I tied a favourite plaid wool scarf around the handle of the wooden box and voila;
A simple dollar store purchase, plus items I had around the house make a quick and easy centrepiece display!
Please hang in there with me friends as I am still battling with this old laptop.
It literally took over two hours to post this!
Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend.
It's cold and sunny here with snow drifts of three feet in some places..

Thursday 5 December 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013

2013 Christmas Home Tours

Hello Friends
Do you love holiday home tours as much as I do?
It is so much fun to have the ability to just sit in the comfort of our homes these days and tour the many beautifully decorated houses!
So please go grab that hot drink, throw another log on the fire (wink), and turn that Christmas music to high volume, because I have busied myself this morning compiling a list of must see
2013 Christmas Home Tours just for you.

I hope you were as inspired as I was!
I will be back tomorrow with even more
2013 Christmas Home Tours.
See you then.....

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Frosty's Cocoa

Oh, and it sure was yummy ladies!
I haven't posted much since I'm still no closer to having my laptop working than I was last time we talked.
I know no one wants to hear a post of nothing but whining.
I know this because I don't!
 So I'll say this real fast*******
I got my laptop back and it is not fixed.
In fact it is in worse condition now than when I sent it in for repairs.
 I am still doing the little relay between my old laptop and my husbands computer just to post.
So if you don't see me posting often, this is why!
I am, however, enjoying visiting your homes and seeing all the decorating and the projects you are working on for the holidays.
I've been doing a bit here each day too.
By the time I'm able to post again I will probably have the whole house finished!
I have to tell you it is gorgeous here.
We have had snow for some time now (over a foot.)
But  the temperature hasn't gotten above 20F for a few days now.
A big plus is that when it's that cold it is usually sunny.
Who knows, maybe I'll get out there and make a Snowman!
Until next time.....

Sunday 1 December 2013

Righteousness Is Like the Mountains


"Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;
Your judgements are like a great deep.
O Lord, You preserve man and beast"
Psalms 36:6
Silver City, Yukon Territory

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Just A Wee Chat...

I thought tonight I would just chat with you a bit.
I am guessing that many of you are very busy readying yourselves for Thanksgiving.
I am really looking forward to reading your post featuring your celebrations!
It's such a wonderful time to spend with your family that I think it is well worth all of the work it is in the end for all of you.
Easy for me to say...
It won't be requiring much work here at our home this year.
 We have Turkey leftovers frozen from our Canadian Thanksgiving celebration.
I'll will be throwing a pumpkin pie together however because all of it had gotten eaten, of course!
Mainly by me.. 
I did a little dilly dallying with the Christmas decorating today.
I haven't brought out any totes yet.
 I did have a few decorations in the utility room cabinet that were easy to access so I did display a few Christmas items in our kitchen.
I must say that it is looking quite cheery in there now!
I still have not heard one Christmas Carol yet though!
No, I'm not lying.
I always wait until the first of December, otherwise I tire of hearing them by the time Christmas day rolls around.
What about you?
Are you listening to carols already?
Do you have a favourite one?
Mine favourite one just happens to be,
 'Carol of the Bells'
Have a good Wednesday my friends.
 And don't work too hard!

Monday 25 November 2013


Do you ever have those days when you finally just say, "I give up."
Well, today was mine.

I haven't mentioned it, but for the last month while my laptop has been in for repairs, I have had to go through the most ridiculous process of posting on my blog.

I have been using my old laptop, which will not upload any of my photos to my post. So the process is to mail any photos I want to post to our e-mail address. Then save them on my husbands computer photo gallery. Next I upload them to my post from his computer.

No big deal, right?
I'm not finished yet.

 I haven't gotten to the good part....
My husbands computer lets me upload the photos, but it will not let me write anything on the post.
The cursor won't move.
So then I run back to the old laptop to attempt to write the post for publishing from what has been saved.
Of course the photos are not in proper sequence, so when I try to move them to where I want them I often end up losing them.
Which is what happened today!

Finally, after hours of attempting to share my bedroom re-do, I just said
enough is enough.
It was going to look shoddy and disorderly and I wasn't going to have any of that.

I did receive a call from Staples today about my laptop.
Which is another whole long drawn out story of ridiculousness.
But I will spare you that one because I know a person can only take small doses of negativity at one sitting.

They called to say my computer is being mailed to me today.
Hopefully, I will receive it before the end of the week!
And hopefully in tip top shape.
If you're wondering why I put a Christmas card on my post so early...
All I can say is that it was cute and the laptop let me upload it.

Friday 22 November 2013

Bedroom Re-Do Sneak Pre-View

Hello Friends!
Do any of you remember that Master Bedroom Re-Do that I began some time ago?
Probably not!
It has been a while....
But today I do have a sneak preview for you....
This lovely lady is gracing our bedroom dresser now.
As are these pretty nesting birdies I picked up somewhere in Northern Missouri while traveling.


This photo is a collection of vintage jewelry from our night stand.
I've started collecting keys also in the hope of making vintage key pendants as gifts.
Oh yes I know, just what I need, another project!
We received a couple of inches of snow last night and the high today was 18F, so I think I can say that Winter is definitely here in Northern Ontario.
If you are interested please check back Monday for my complete bedroom reveal.
Now I can finally move on to my Christmas decorating.
Have any of you started your holiday decorating yet?
I will be visiting here today: