I started this week thinking I would finally complete the bag order I have for the Yukon. I had the machine embroidery patterns selected, the new thread arrived last week, and I had already cut out all of the bags.
But what happens? The thread keeps breaking on my machine. A simple pattern that shouldn't have taken me even an hour, takes several hours to complete because I am constantly having to rethread my machine. Grrr
Since I'm no dummy, I decide to look to my machine manual for help.
It suggest five different reasons my machine is breaking the thread. I try all of the remedies-no luck! I finally come to realise that this is a job that's bigger than me.
I go on line, find the nearest embroidery machine repair shop (which isn't near at all) and call. No one answers. I leave a message. No one calls me back.
This morning I call again and a very pleasant man answers the phone. I explain the situation to him and tell him I want to ship my machine to him for repair.
He knows and I know that it is going to cost me $50. to ship my machine one way to him. So he says to me, "Let's see if we can fix this over the phone".
I have to tell you this was not something that encouraged me. I had already tried everything the manual had suggested. It seemed like a waste of time to me, but I didn't want to be rude to the fellow. He was being so nice......
When it was all said and done we realised that I had some abrasion on my metal bobbin holder. I removed the protective plate coverings, stripped the fine, back side of my emery board and set to gently filing the inner metal bobbin surface.
I have to admit I wasn't putting much faith in this causing my thread to break, but I was under the tutelage of the expert so I did what I was told! I filed until I thought it looked smooth, put all of the parts back in place, then tried the machine.
It worked!!
I am so grateful and relieved. I was telling Tim that I wish that there were some way I could pay this patient and kind man back for all of his help.
He came up with the perfect gift, I think.
A Timmy's card, of course!
I think he'll like it.