I'm sure some of you are wondering what I am still doing at home when I'm suppose to be helping our
daughter, her husband and children get settled in their new home. Two days ago when I spoke to Emily
she wondered if we would mind if they waited until Friday to make the move. She had some unforseen
things come up and felt it would be better to delay the move by a couple of days. I agreed. And, as I
told her, I've waited years for this to happen-two more days isn't going make any difference for me.
See this dancing plate? He's so happy he's jumping for joy. That was me last week when I had finally
copied all of the patterns I was currently going to place on Etsy. Now all I had to do was copy and store
them so they would be ready to send when the orders started flowing in. Now keep in mind this was over
150 pages to copy and store. I entered them all PDF. Now I'm ready to finally open that Etsy shop.
I go to the Etsy site, set-up my shop, and am ready to attach photos of my patterns for the shop.
Rejection! It will not accept PDF. I have to go back and recopy all 150 plus patterns in JPEG!
OK, stupid mistake. I should have been smart enough to have known if it's considered a photo
you're going to have to use JPEG. Well it was disappointing, but nothing more than a little bump
in the road. I re-entered everything JPEG and began tranferring to my shop. This was over the course
of 3 days. On the day I was entering my last pattern (this last Monday) I had noticed that I had
already had over 140 views combined on my patterns, but no sales. I thought that was odd, but
I often view items but don't purchase them. But as the day progressed I just couldn't get it out of
my mind. You know how something keeps niggling in your mind?
I felt like I had touched a hot iron! What if there was the possibility
that a person could copy my patterns
right off of my site? No that's just crazy thinking , I told myself. Etsy is a highly respected selling engine, they would surely provide protection against possible down-loading theft. But my experiences from the past told me to check it out whether I thought it was just some crazy thought or not.
I went to my site, clicked on my pattern photo, and was able to print the pattern easy as pie! I have to
admit I was equally furious and devastated. No I'm not exaggerating. All I could think of was all the time
and hard work I had put into preparing these vintage patterns to finally get to this place where I could
finally list them for sale and any Tom, Dick, or Harry could simply steal them with the simple click of
a button. I didn't know what to do. I ran out to the garage to share with my husband my findings. His
advice was to shut it down right now! But I had already paid over $23. in fees for the listings. He said
to just consider it a loss and find somewhere else to sale my stuff. I didn't want to give up that easily on
Etsy. So I contacted them through e-mail. Of course you can't talk to a human being anymore! That
was Monday and I still haven't heard anything back from them. I have done a little research and found
another selling site that is similar to etsy and it didn't have any protection against down loading theft
either. E-Bay does make it impossible to copy off of it's site, so that's a possiblity. But now I have to
learn how to list with them and that whole process is always such a pain for me.
Anyway I've had a good cleansing cry over the whole deal. I've stepped away from it for a couple of
days and decided I'm going to let it go until next Monday. I'll go enjoy seeing the grandkids for the
weekend and come back to examine it through fresh eyes. Hopefully, I'll have heard something from Etsy by then. I can't say that I'm putting much faith in thinking their going to change their site to accommedate little
ol' me. But I would think it would be something other Etsy shop owners would be concerned about too.
If any of you have any knowledge or advice about were I should go from here I would more than welcome it
And "thank you" for letting me vent my friends. I try not to be a "whiner". I guess I lost this battle though.
As my husband says, if you are on the internet things like that will happen. I know of a lady who is a professional artist. She got really sick and while she was sick a person came in stole her designs and then copyrighted them. As in anything there will be dishonest people, but for the most part people are honest.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you went to so much trouble to do that, can't you just put a watermark across each picture?
My kids are always after me to do that. I just don't feel like I have anything worth stealing. :)
I hope you get to have a lovely time with your daughter and grand kids.
My daughter that still lives at home is named Emilie.
Hang in there,
Oh how frustrating! I will say that things on Etsy are much slower than I expected, so people may not be stealing your stuff at all. In fact, I opened my store several months ago, and have only sold 1 item - even though people frequently 'favorite' items from my shop. Stuff on ebay does sell more quickly of course, if you want to mess with it. Anyhow, good luck, with whatever you decide!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have bought a pattern off Etsy before. They posted a picture of what the pattern would make. Then when I ordered it, they emailed me directly the pdf of the pattern. It went really smoothly, and I then printed out the pattern from my computer. I hope this is helpful for you!
Can we spell V I G I L A N T E ?! Thieves make me sick! First I would put it out there on Google search, (I don't know how to do this but you can find out, hopefully). You know how if you search for something and you'll see someone warning about a rip-off, etc... To let people know that someone has copied this from your Etsy and please let you know if they see it somewhere...The waterspot comment idea is good but isn't it just wrong that we can't even go one day or share one thing without having to cover our....hind end! Etsy had better do something about this or at the very least give you advice for the future but also be on the lookout for someone who tries to sell it...I just had an idea, let's all look for them, what do you think they will do with them, sell them as is or make something with them on it and sell it? Let us know what we can do and keep us updated....I am not very happy about this, I am spitting mad, Hmmm, not very ladylike my grandmother would say to me. UGH!!
ReplyDeleteYou are a real mama grizzley bear! I so appreciate your desire to help me get to the bottom of this.
I don't have any proof that my patterns were stolen. I only know that they can be stolen if a person chooses to do so on Etsy. I put my shop in suspension until I hear back from Etsy. I'm hoping that they can provide the same protection that E-Bay does. If not I'll have to go elsewhere.
Thank you for being a friend that's ready to do battle for me.
It really means a lot!
Oh me. That is a curiousity isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI have an idea, but boy will it take some time. Maybe you can post pictures of the pattern, already completed. The stitching of the pattern, as an image. However if the stitching has not been done ... oy! I truly feel for artists and ladies such as yourself. There are so many folks out there who do not wince at copying things. My best wishes in your solving this issue. And hugs too!
Sincerely, Trish
Well, I don't know if people are stealing the ideas and patterns but...I know people take very crafty ideas and make them their own and then sell them. However, I have sold on e-bay for about six years and it has slowed down to next to nothing...people are just not spending money! You have to have something really different and something people really want....so to get lots of hits and not actually sell something...expecially in the first week is not unusual or unheard of...more the norm nowadays. I thought Etsy was free to list until you sold but I guess they have changed it. E-bay is not hard...you will have no problem...but not too much is selling. Enjoy your weekend..
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for all the trouble you've gone to and to have to do it again! I hope no one has stolen your patterns.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to tell you. Maybe put a watermark right across the center of of your designs? Good luck.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Kim, I'm so sorry about this Etsy shop problem. I don't have any advice for you as I don't know anything about it but I do hope you can get a copyright on your files somehow. What a shame. People can be so nasty. I think your waiting until Monday to refocus is a good idea and I hope it all works out in the end. Blessings, my friend. Pam
ReplyDeleteI know that sinking feeling, after you realize the mistake. It's a shock and disbelief.
ReplyDeleteYou have to trust that God will have something good come out of this. That's my prayer for you.
OH Kimberly, I am so sorry. I know how frustrated you must be. I don't know much about Etsy --but I do know that there are 'thieves' on the internet... People have even stolen my pictures and info from my blog posts --and published them as THEIRS. If someone can get those patterns without paying for them, they will do it... I'm sorry to say that but unfortunately, it is true.
ReplyDeleteI'll be curious to hear what Etsy says. Hopefully, there is an 'app' that you can buy to prevent people from pulling them off and copying them. OR--can you present them as thumbnails --which cannot be enlarged? OR--as someone said above, you might make photos with the general idea of what each pattern is --and ask anyone interested to contact you for more info....
I hope you can work it out... Just be patient.. Something good will come out of all of this... God is in control.
I am so sorry you are going through this. You've worked so hard to list these designs. I think protecting them with a water mark is probably a good idea. Maybe even pulling the site and starting over. I hope you find some positive solutions soon! Thinking of you!
Hi Kimberly, what a huge disappointment! I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. I think you have the right idea to just step back for a few days and try not to think about it. I'm sure you'll find a way to sell your patterns without worrying about potential thieves. There has to be a way! Good luck with this and don't worry, enjoy your weekend! ~Cheryl
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for being frustrated! Your patterns are adorable and you knew that you had a marketable item... Etsy really is such a perfect avenue for what you are selling... I'll pray that God just foils the plans of the wicked and Etsy calls with a simple answer. Enjoy your time with you daughter knowing that He is in control.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Debbie
I agree with above. I don't know a thing about Etsy, but as a mall retailer and owner of a web, people are just not buying. You have to work twice as hard for a sale with the economy as it is. A lot of folks don't care if you have an "original" or extremely good quality merchandise. They want it cheap and don't care where it was made. My BP is rising. Good luck. You should be concerned. People are very techno. smart these days. Debi
ReplyDeleteIsn't there a way to list them on Etsy with a "watermark" company name on them (Like I do with my pictures on the blog?) and then when they are paid for, send the jpeg without it? Must feel very frustrating. People, like me, do a lot of window shopping on ebay and etsy, just like in regular stores. I see so many things I would like to buy, but can't. This economy will turn around one of these days.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a shame people do things like this... It makes me wonder if they even feel a twinge of guilt... I'm sure they would not appreciate it if it happened to them... I guess it has been a good learning experience and now you will be more aware in the future.
ReplyDeleteI hope that your worst fears aren't a reflection of what's happened, and that this gets sorted out for you. You did so much work!
ReplyDeleteHow frustrating and infuriating. Nothing else to add to whats already been said, except I'm sorry you may have gotten stung by others not willing to do the hard or original work themselves. I hope you find a working resolution. Patty
ReplyDeleteOh dear! I've been selling on etsy since May and it's been slow but ebay seemed even slower. Especially when I was paying for an auction that no one bid on in 7 days. I definitely think a watermark will help or just make a snippet of the design shown clearly and not the entire thing.
ReplyDeleteDon't give up! Most people are honest!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this, Kimberly. How frustrating and upsetting. I hope you can figure out what's the best thing to do next. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy the visit with your family. Seeing them will be a day brightener, I'm sure.
I haven't sold on Etsy or Ebay in ages, but like others have said, I'm sure it must be slow with the way things are right now.
ReplyDeleteI know that I do browse etsy and look at a lot of stuff without buying, so it may be possible that people aren't stealing but just looking.
Have you thought about finding a local store to sell your patterns at? Maybe a quilt or fabric store or even an antique or vintage gift shop type store.
I'm sorry you are dealing with this, I know how frustrating selling things can be, especially when you put your heart and soul into it.
That anonymous comment above is me, not sure why it posted like that.
ReplyDeleteThere are thieves everywhere. My experience with etsy (765 purchases) is that they are not very responsive to email requests. Hopefully your experience will be different than mine.
ReplyDeleteI'm nervous that you're choosing to leave the patterns on etsy through the weekend. I think maybe $23 is an inexpensive way to learn that in the craft world, nothing seems sacred anymore.
Keep us posted, okay??
How terrible. It is such a shame that there isn't some way to know in advance!
ReplyDeleteOh how frustrating is this? I can just imagine how disappointing and annoying this all was. People never do cease to amaze you do they? I do hope you can come up with a workable solution. In the meantime, ENJOY the week-end with your daughter and those grands! HUGS
ReplyDeleteI have not had the experience of selling on the interent - or how to keep you stuff - your ideas safe.For myself I rarely buy off of the internet and your designs are cute which I like a lot -- Best of luck -- hugs..
ReplyDeleteSo glad you visited my blog and to meet another log home dweller! So sorry to hear about your Etsy experience - I hope everything turns out okay!!
Ahhhh! All that work! Hopefully it will all turn out OK. Have fun with the grandkids. Mimi
ReplyDeleteI am just catching up on my blogs- I am sooo sorry this happened to you- Thieves are rampant and part of our everyday lives anymore~ How AWFUL! xo and love to you-Diana
ReplyDeleteI had to read back to see what happened to you, Kimberly. I hope you can work this problem out some way with ETSY. I've purchased items through them without any problem yet I don't trust E Bay for some reason. It is true that if your patterns enlarge then people would be able to "steal" the pattern for free. Is there any way to prevent the JpG"s from enlarging so that wouldn't be possible? Good luck!