Hi Friends!! I went to check my post for today and it wasn't here. I checked and realized that I posted it for 11/11/11. With everyone talking about fall, I think I have it on the brain. Or maybe one in the morning is just too late to think clearly. Is there anyone who can help me with this?

Bless your heart, we all do this once in a while. I used to have blogs way ahead, now I'm typing away while I watch tv at night and re-reading them the next day before posting to correct run on sentences and stuff that doesn't make ANY sense! Thus is my life....
ReplyDeleteIf you need to change the date on your post, go to your dashboard (very top right of blogger header) and then the edit posts page. Click on the post you want to edit and there is a post options part to click on at the bottom right which lets you schedule it. Hope that helps.
ReplyDeleteBoo boos happen! :) Well, it's a pretty picture of hopefully cooler weather ahead for us! ;)
ReplyDeleteBe a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You're funny!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find your email. Today you're being featured at my weekly Welcome Wagon Friday post. This is where I like to introduce new bloggers to my readers. You should be receiving visitors shortly. And welcome to our little community!
ReplyDeleteBrenda http://cozylittlehouse.com
Too funny. You can always go in and change the date so it'll publish now!
ReplyDeleteLOL- Welcome to Blogger 101!;>) We've ALL done stuff like that! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteWish I could help, Kimberly, but I barely know the basics, even after blogging for over two years!! I hope you find your post. What a bummer!
ReplyDeleteI am in awe of your bears! Scary...are you okay with them? I am visiting from Cozy Little House and I saw the bear with the 2 sets of ears...what is that about?!!
You have a new follower! Yay!
I have never figured that out and every time I have tried to schedule in advance it didn't work...so sorry, no help here...sure hope the others commenting can help...
ReplyDeleteHi Kimberly, I have done that before... It's easy to do.. The thing I hate to do (since I do mine ahead of time --and put them on the timer) is to forget to schedule them--and then have them post that minute.... Gads!!!! ha ha
Hi Kimberly!
ReplyDeleteI've done the same thing. You can change it by editing your post, and going to post options. You can change the date there. Hope this helps!
I definitely have fall on the brain since the hot and humid weather has been replaced by warm and lovely!!
Oh well. If that's the worse to happen today then you're having a pretty good day, I think! :D
ReplyDeleteI've done that too! Just go to your post options and change the date. :)
ReplyDeleteI have only recently learned how to schedule a post for a future date...it is a learning process isn't it?
ReplyDeleteMistakes are great learning tools I find. Love the picture. Enjoy the weekend:)
ReplyDeleteLOL! The only thing that will help with that is more sleep!
ReplyDeleteHow did you get the pictures in your post to look like a magazine page. One of the other blogging gals does that too, and I have yet to figure it all out. (Not surprising, since I am a computer idiot.)
I guess I do have a rather large linen collection. I didn't realize how big until I got them all out at the same time and started putting them into categories to photograph. More photos to come later. (I'm in the process of putting pictures of all of them on my linen page under my header.)