Sunday, 31 July 2011



Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by
His holiness, the nourishment of mind by His truth, the purifying of imagination by His beauty,
the opening of the heart to His love, and the submission of will to His purpose. And all of this
adoration is the greatest expression of which we are capable. William Temple


God, may we be so much like You, that people can see You in us
and can be ministered to by us.
Help us, we pray, to have hearts
that are pliable in Your hands
that You can mold us to Your blueprint. Amen
Photo taken at Mendenhall Glacier-Juneau, Alaska 2009
Devotional from Timeless Truths-Elm Hill Books

Friday, 29 July 2011

Old Lodge

  Before my husband and I had made the firm decision to stay where we are, we had looked at this old lodge, thinking we might buy it and fix it up. This property is across the highway from Lake Superior, but  the lake is hidden because of trees that have grown up. And because it is government land they can not be cut.
I won't lie, it was a hard decision for me. The property has 12 acres, 2 additional cute log cabins, a huge commercial kitchen, and it's on the Hwy. so the roads are great. But it was a major project and it was more than my DH wanted to tackle right now.

This and the previous photo is the main gathering room leading into what was once a commercial kitchen.
The lady in the kitchen is the realtor. There's a wee glimpse of my DH in the window on the left.

The door on the right leads into two bedrooms. There were 6 units attached at one time, but 4 have been torn down, leaving the two.

This is the same main room looking out on the front. See all those huge windows? They have to be replaced.

One bedroom that leads into the second one. Because they were once part of a motel unit they each have

Here is the front of the lodge. It needs completely resided, new windows, and a new roof.
This was built in 1965 by a fellow of German descent and originally named the "Black Forest Motel" 
It always makes me sad to see these places that were built with the owners own hands and what was at one time a successful little business going to ruin.  I have seen a few that have been restored and have once again become a viable business. I just hope that this one isn't terminal-that there is someone out there that will do the "surgery" needed to save it's life.
Any takers?
Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Feeding the Dream

  When my husband and I had made the decision to settle in our home here on the lake I knew I wanted it to be a little homestead like my grandparents place. I spent  many of my summer days there and it left an
indelible impact on my life. My grandparents were largely self-sufficent. They raised a hog every year, had chickens for meat and eggs, raised rabbit to eat and sell. My grandpa fished and hunted also. They had apple
trees, gooseberry bushes, nut trees and a huge garden, of course. Grandma canned and dried most of the foods. There was a cold cellar for root crops. I bet many of your grandparents lived a lifestyle similar to this.

Many years ago when our family was young we were able to have a huge garden and enjoyed canning our bounty. This is one of the old canning books that my mother gave me from her collection. It is so much more than just a canning book to me though. It's an encyclopedia of life from a by-gone era. It is the book I turn to when I want to "keep the vision before me". Oh, I know I'm not really going to implement all the self-sufficient procedures they use in this book, but  I love to pick it up every now and then and dream about all the possibilities.

As you can see this canning book was published in 1942 during WW2. Here is a small portion of the inside cover. Certainly an indication of a completely altered lifestyle and much sacrifice for the families of that time.
But also, a willingness on behalf of a nation to pull together and do what had to be done.

What do you think of this way of drying your foods?

  •         And then we all need a recipe for homemade yeast and soap.           

    I can't begin to copy all the helps that are in this magazine. If you have any questions  about information you think may be in the contents of this book, just ask and I'll be glad to  find the info
  • and send it on to you.
  • I think tomorrow I may have to dedicate the post to asking editing questions. As you can see, I'm having quite a time with the alignments on this page!  Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Dionne Quintuplets

Hi! I've been invited to join Glue, glitter, and Paste for a Throwback Thursday Party.
Here is my selection.
I hope you enjoy it!
  Have you ever heard the story of these beautiful and precious babies? Well, these sweet girls have always
  been dear to my heart from the first time I heard their sad life story. And I'd like to share a wee bit of what I
  know with you, if you've got a minute.
  Life began for Annette, Cecile, Marie, Yvonne, and Emilie on May 28, 1934 in Corbeil, Ontario. They were two months premature and were the first and only identical quintuplets to have ever survived. Their total weight combined was 10 lbs.,1 and a quarter ozs. Before fertility drugs existed, the odds of quintuplets being born were one in 57,000,000.Can you imagine?

    They spent the first four months with their parents before the Canadian government made them wards of
the state. They built a special compound for them across the street from their parents home and named it,
"Dafoe Hospital and Nursery" after the doctor who delivered the girls and cared for them. At this hospital there was a playgound built for the quintuplets with an area where the public could come and observe the girls. Approximately 6,ooo people per day visited there.

    As you can see from my photos Annette, Cecile, Yvonne, Marie and Emilie were used to advertise many products like Carnation milk, Quaker oats, Karo syrup, and many other products. They were also in movies.
And in 1994 a movie titled "Million Dollar Babies" was made depicting their lives. I didn't get to see this, but
I am going to look for it to , hopefully, watch.

     This is an advertisement I tore out of an old "Farmers Daughter" magazine I had years ago and framed.
Whenever I look at it I always hope that the remaining quintuplets have found happiness in life. Sadly, Emilie died in 1954 and Marie in 1970, leaving Annette, Cecile, and Yvonne surviving. I saw the remaining three ladies on TV a few months back on a documentary and these beautiful little girls have aged into quite attractive older ladies. I gathered from the interview that they have found peace in their lives finally.
I couldn't begin to cover all there is to learn about these special ladies, but there are many details on-line that can fill in the blanks for you if you're interested.
Today I want to say thank you to the Lord for all the small gifts he provides as well as the big!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Nature Walk

  I've been shut up in the house far too much lately. It's time for you and me to get outside and take what I call a nature walk. Time to feel a little grass under our feet. Time to see what natures been up to.

     All weeds, I guess. But I still love them. Black-eyed susans, shasta daisies, and indian paint brushes.

    This is a sweet little birdhouse my dear dad built for me. He has built many for me and our children. He is
     ninety four now and he still did his garden this year. He still knits fishing nets for commercial fisherman. He
     even stays up many nights reading until midnight! He is a very special man and such a loving father. But
     that's another whole story for another day. Back to that walk.

                                     My old pop crates with geraniums and impatiens.

    This is an unusual rock in one of the flower beds. Do you think it could be part of a dinosaur's foot?

    I talked my DH into leaving this so I can watch it grow. It's on the backside of the house were we hardly
    ever venture. This is only 2 weeks growth, so I can't wait to see what it will look like in 2 months.
                                           This is just before a short rain storm today.

                                             The on coming storm at another angle.

     After the storm had passed this is the sunset we were blessed with. The colors are true, completely
     untouched. I used my sunset setting, but still got some glare from the brightness. I'm still learning!
                             And with the setting of the sun comes a restful nights sleep.
     Blessings friends,

Monday, 25 July 2011

Kitchen love

  I have been planning for a long while to paint my cabinets. They are a light oak and seem to just blend in with the wood background. Besides that, I love color in my kitchen. At our last home we ripped everything out and started from scratch so I was able to fix it exactly as I wanted. Of course the reason we ripped it all out was because it had been a camp and was full of junkie leftover cabinets, mismatched floors, etc. But everything in this home is newer and in good shape, so paint it must be!
I have two color choices I'm torn between. I'd like to share them with you and have you tell me what you think.

I'm afraid this photo doesn't do justice to the original picture, but for some reason I couldn't get any of the magazine pages I scanned to upload to my post, so I took shots with my camera. I have so much to learn yet! But I hope it gives you an idea of the look I'm loving here.

           This is a little truer to the original colors of the magazine photo. The cabinet is a chalky slate blue.

This I especially love and red is my favorite color for decorating. But as I'm getting older I'm not as brave with color as I used to be. Or I now consider all the extra work it would be to re-paint it if I don't like it!!
Probably a bit of both.

                          This is the same kitchen as the last one, just a different view.

           This is a cabin called the "dog house" from an old country living magazine. Yes, red again!
           So, what do you think? The red or the blue?
You know I have been blogging for about 6 weeks now. And I still consider myself a newbie. I have learned a lot about navigating my way around mostly from other blogging friends that were willing to take their time to lead me step by step through the rough places. And I want to say a big, fat "thank you"!
 Now I've become brave enough to start investigating what some of the tabs on my "managing" page represent. I clicked on "stats" and was like a little kid, hollering at my husband about all the countries ladies were visiting me from . It tells me what are the peak times of day I'm being visited and the referring sites that people are visiting me from. It's amazing. Oh, I know I'll get used to it and won't be jumping over there 3 or 4 times a day to check out what from what country someone is visiting or how many page views I've had that day.
But now I have to admit to something silly. Before I checked the stats page I thought if someone became your follower you where automatically added to their blog list. I've discovered that this isn't the case!
I have almost 70 followers, but only 10 refering sites. So I wanted to be bold and ask those of you that do visit regularly and do enjoy my blog if you would mind taking the time to add my blog to your list. I really wrestled with whether to mention it or not and decided I would just throw it out there. They say if you don't ask, you don't get!  And please, if you are not already on my list let me know and I will add you.
We are off today to town for my MIL to pick out the bathroom vanity and cabinet for her "camp" It is coming along really well. But nothing to photograph yet. My DH had to do structural reinforcement to the beams, insulating, sub-flooring, and the wall placement. When he starts with the fun stuff I'll post his progress!
I hope you have a great Monday friends,

Sunday, 24 July 2011

My Rock

                                                       Psalm 62:5-8

                                     My soul, wait silently for God alone,
                                     For my expectation is from Him.
                                    He only is my rock and my salvation;
                                    He is my defense; I shall not be moved.
                                    In God is my salvation and my glory;
                                    The rock of my strength,
                                    And my refuge , is in God.
                                    Trust in Him at all times, you people;
                                    Pour out your heart before Him;
                                    God is a refuge for us. Selah

         Have a blessed Sunday my friends

Friday, 22 July 2011

Busy As A Bee

  This has been the year of the bee in my yard. Since I haven't been able to do the weeding I usually do each year I have been blessed with many more flowers than usual in my beds. And how does that make sense? Because I had been pulling out flowers that I thought were weeds, you silly wabbit!! Thus, more flowers-more bees.
But seriously I have been busy as a little bee myself lately.

Actually as busy as three bees!

I have been painstakingly copying my old antique patterns.

Thirty years ago I bought a box full of antique patterns in a small rural Mo town.
The patterns date from 1929-1950's. They were all mailed to the same woman.

Miss Delta C. Wilson of Milton, Iowa
I like that name Delta. The only other Delta I've ever heard of was
"Delta Dawn". My Delta wore a size 40. I know this because there were a few
dress and apron patterns besides all the sewing patterns. The box is full of
embroidery patterns of all kinds: t-towels, pillowcase edgings, dress scarves,
aprons, etc, Really too many to name. And all kinds of stuffed animal patterns.
Quilt patterns, cut-work, lawn ornaments, rugs, tablecloths, cross-stitch pictures
Anyway, a real treasure trove to me. So now I'm finally copying them. They were
originally iron-on ink. But not so much now! They had many tears in the folds.
I feel I finally have enough to open my etsy shop soon. The thing I'm really excited
about is that they are sent PDF so a person can start on their project right away.
With any good luck I may have a shop sometime next week.
So that's my busy bee story. Now what have you been buzzing around working on?

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Old Book Love

  Are you a collector of old books? I don't really fall into the category of  "collector", but I do have a decent collection of old books that I love. In other words if I buy an old book it's because I like to read it, not because I like the cover.
Last week I connected with a blogging lady that had read my profile and noticed that  many of our favorite books to read where the same. This isn't that unusual-many people share a love for the same authors. But what was different about this story is that the books are very, very old and neither of us thought there was
anyone else on the planet that would ever read them. Since then Kim and I have corresponded and found that there were even more obscure books that we have in common. Now isn't that something you just love about blogging?

And here is one of my all time favorite authors-Gene Stratton Porter. The 1st book I read was "The Girl
of Limberlost". These are some of the books Kim and I have in common.

This book takes place in the Indiana swamps of Limberlost were Elnora lives and collects moths to sell to raise money. Her mother is resentful of her-I won't go into details and ruin it for you. But she doesn't provide for Elnora so this is why she has to raise money selling moths. And then there are loving neighbors that help
and the bird lady to whom she sell her moths. It is a beautiful story and if you once pick it up and read it, you'll want to read Mrs. Porter's other books as well.

Look at the front of this one. Isn't it just gorgeous? I don't often find many books with a picture front and I was so happy to get this one. My finds of GSP books span several states. Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Missouri are the four I remember.

                                  Here's one my dad liked to read. I bet yours did too!

                                                     I just love the inside opening of this book.

                                                This old one is beginning to get ragged.

                                 Do you reconize any here that you have read?
And who doesn't need a 1938 book on etiquette?  I'm afraid that I've just discovered in the chapter on conversation that I am mis-pronuncing my u's. I am making my u's sound like oo's. Ex: duty (I say dooty)
tune(I say toon). Well from what I've read I'm mispronuncing everything with a u!! Well someone should've informed Mrs. Cornelius Beeckman that how we pronunce our words depends on what part of the country we're from, right? I just happened to be raised in the midwest and that is the way we say our u's!
I have several other books I was going to share, but I'll save them for another day. If you are interested in finding some good books from by-gone days to read Kim has a neat site she can refer you to. Her blog is
Have a great Wednesday!